Friday, August 27, 2010

What they don't tell you about the pyramids...

The unavoidable picture of me on a camel. Now I will go and die of embarrassment.

It's difficult to complain when you've seen the most amazing structures in the world, but it's me, and I always find something to complain about . . . What they don't tell you about the pyramids is that there are very pushy vendors trying to sell everything from postcards to cat statues, camel rides, and water. They are maddeningly persistent to the point where you don't feel like being there anymore. The worst part is that they speak every language. So when I said "no hablo ingles", they started asking me about the weather in Madrid this time of year. Dammit!
Yet, despite these drawbacks, I had an amazing experience. The best part is that it's only twenty minutes away from where I live. Wow.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky duck! LOL at the vendors- I guess they would have to speak some of every language to get by. P.S. I am such a sucker, I totally WANT an Egyptian cat statue.
