Thursday, December 09, 2010


Why I Need to Leave This Country:

Reason 1: It's so cold that I could see my breath yesterday. IN EGYPT.
                        a) I have no heat
                        b) I have no blankets
                        c) I only brought summer clothes

Reason 2: I ran out of food, and I'm too lazy to go grocery shopping, but I'm starving. Dilemma.
Reason 3: Cairo can offer me nothing more than it already has (heartache and misery).
Reason 4: My clothes and souvenirs are sitting patiently in my suitcase, just waiting, like me.
Reason 5: Our landlord is showing our apartment to potential tenants, making us temporary refugees.
Reason 6: The (loud/1970's P.A. sounding) muezzins wake me at 4:50am and continue until 6:00am (at which point I have to get up), and then I can't take a nap because there are calls to prayer at 2:00pm when I get back from school and again at 5:00ish.  I need to kick the caffeine habit that I began in order to cope.
Reason 7: I just reinstated my Netflix account, and my new movie is arriving in New York today, without me.
Reason 8: I probably have smoker's lung from the pollution.
Reason 9: Harry Potter 7 (!)
Reason 10: My life is in the United States, and I need to return to it before I go crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs honey. As we say in Gospel hymnals, the storm is passing over, hallelu! You have less than 2 weeks left in Egypt because of your Jordan visit. Trust me, I am in the same state of anticipation. Though I am in the USA, I have a week left until I am DONE with this semester and can go home. Big hugs to you Ari. We so need to hang out soon. I am tentatively planning a Lawrence return trip in January (despite the fact that grads who return are lame). I have various ulterior motives; Madison's January break is longer than Lawrence's. and I want to see, primarily, yourself, John Metz, Nidal, Will Meadows and other familiar people- I want to go to the Anthro wing and read cool anthro books and play with skulls- and I want to play gamelan on the new instruments that the lucky brats are getting this year. LOL.

    Love you
    can't wait for you to be back. Your country requires your fabulous presence, my dear.
