Saturday, September 04, 2010

First day of classes

Tomorrow will begin a week of classes, that will be interrupted by the grand celebration marking the end of Ramadan.
My classes are:

Arabic- completely useless from a practical standpoint, because I am learning the equivalent of a Shakespearean version of Arabic that no one outside of academia understands.

History of Society and State in the Middle East from 1906-present- I thought that having a basic knowledge of the growth of Middle Eastern politics would be helpful in understanding current political trends

Non-Muslim Communities in the Muslim world- Copts and Jews . . . interesting to me as a Religious Studies major

History of Islamic Spain and North Africa (711-1492)- as someone who devoted her high school years to Spanish language and culture, this is of personal interest to me.

I'm sure those of you who know me could be surprised by the absence of a Gender Studies course. AUC does have them, but they are offered at strange times at night, making my commute by bus an unpleasant one. I figure that I have plenty of GEST courses at Lawrence, and I can also buy some of the books for the GEST classes that interest me.
My main interest here is living in Egypt, and my secondary interest is being a student. Most of my learning will be outside the classroom. Walking the streets alone as a woman is enough of a Gender Studies course for me.

Other than that, I cooked for myself for the first time today!
Yay for not starving. The rest of my day was devoted to watching Sense and Sensibility (a favorite of mine) with Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant. I also went to the grocery store and got my food delivered. Not much else to report.

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