Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Teaser Trailer

Have you ever . .
Wondered what a "South of the Border" wrap is in Egypt? Thought twice about walking down your street past a rabid pack of dogs? Felt the agony of wearing winter clothes in 100 degree heat? Almost called the U.S. Embassy because you thought your roommate was missing? Experienced a possible earthquake tremor in a foreign country? Feared you had headlice because some bedouin guy put his headwrap on you? Given up your major ethical beliefs so that you can get basic nutrition? Smoked sheesha?
Watch Ari handle all of these situations (successfully) in this week's episode of "Ari in Egypt 2010". Stay tuned.

P.S. nobody died and I don't have headlice, to set the record straight.


  1. I noticed that I'm wearing the same outfit in all of these pictures. Don't worry people, I do laundry here. :)

  2. I am really enjoying your blog, Ari! Rabid dogs???

  3. Just think, you could've done the London program! But to me the fun thing about Egypt is that it really does shake you up..
